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Cellular Physiology Section

Lois Greene, PhD, Principal Investigator
Evan Eisenberg, MD, PhD, Principal Investigator

Our laboratory is interested in the formation and dissolution of both normal and pathological protein complexes in the cell with an emphasis on the role of molecular chaperones in these processes. To this end, we are studying the formation and dissolution of clathrin-coated vesicles in mammalian cells and the formation and dissolution of prion and Huntingtin aggregates in both mammalian cells and yeast.

In regard to our first research area, we are using GFP-labeled clathrin and clathrin adaptor proteins to study the dynamics of clathrin-coated vesicle formation and uncoating both at the plasma membrane and at the trans-Golgi network. We are carrying out these studies in real time in tissue culture cells using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), fluorescence loss in photobleaching (FLIP) and total internal reflectance fluorescence microscopy (TIRF). In regard to the molecular chaperone Hsc70, we have shown that it mediates the ATP-dependent dissociation of clathrin from clathrin-coated vesicles and may also be involved in the rebinding of clathrin and clathrin adaptors to form new clathrin-coated pits. Interestingly, we have discovered that Hsc70 requires a co-chaperone to carry out these functions; either the J-domain protein auxilin or GAK is required for Hsc70 to interact with clathrin-coated vesicles and pits. We are currently investigating the function of these J-domain proteins both by using RNAi to inhibit their production in the cell and by producing auxilin and GAK knock-out mice.

In our second major research area, we are using FRAP, internal reflectance microscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to investigate aggregation of Huntingtin and prion protein both in mammalian cells and yeast. In yeast using the GFP-labeled prion protein Sup35p, we have been able for the first time to follow prion aggregation with confocal microscopy. Using FRAP and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, we are also attempting to observe for the first time both in mammalian cells and yeast the existence of small diffuse aggregates of Huntingtin polyglutamine fragments in addition to the large granules that are generally observed in diseased cells. Finally we are investigating the trafficking of GFP-labeled membrane bound mammalian prion protein and are also investigating whether infection of the cells by aggregated prion protein affects the aggregation of the GFP-labeled prion protein on the plasma membrane.

Questions, comments and suggestions about this page may be addressed to Lois Greene



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Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute