Cellular and Molecular
Motility Section
James R Sellers, PhD, Principal Investigator
Our research focuses on the structure, function and regulation
of myosins, a class of actin-dependent
motor proteins. There are currently at least eighteen classes
of myosin that have been identified by phylogenetic analysis
of the motor domains. In addition, the tails of each class
of myosin have distinct features that may include many possible
functional motifs, such as SH3 domains, FERM domains, GAP
domains, pleckstrin-homology domains and coiled-coiled forming
regions. The phylogenetic distribution of the various myosins
shows that no myosin class is universally present. Analysis
of the complete genome of yeast shows that there are five
myosin genes: two myosin I genes, one myosin II gene and two
myosin V genes. Humans have 39 myosin genes from 11 different
classes. Human diseases have been associated with mutations
in several myosin genes, including the beta-cardiac myosin
II heavy chain and light chains (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy),
nonmuscle myosin IIA heavy chain (giant platelet disorders
and deafness) and the myosin VA heavy chain (Griscelli's syndrome).
Mutations in several other myosin heavy chain genes are also
associated with deafness including myosin IIIa (DFNB30), myosin
VI (DFNA22), myosin VIIa (Usher's IB syndrome), and myosin
XV (DFNB3, deafness). Many of the myosin classes are represented
by multiple genes within a given organism. We are very interested
in the specific roles and functions of this variety of myosins.
We are studying myosins from class I, II, III, V, IX, X and
XV. The techniques that are used range from biophysical studies
of single isolated myosin molecules to genetic analysis of
myosin function in Drosophila. We routinely utilize the actin
sliding in vitro motility assay
and steady-state enzymatic analysis to characterize myosins.
We are making extensive use of baculoviral expression of myosin
in Sf9 cells in order to prepare naturally occurring isoforms
of myosin as well as mutant myosins. For these studies, we
use the available three-dimensional structures of various
myosin head fragments as a guide.
We have several concurrent projects. One is to use baculoviral
expression of mutant myosins in order
to study the molecular mechanisms of regulation and of the
effect of disease causing mutations in nonmuscle myosin II
isoforms. We are also studying myosin III from Limulus in
collaboration with Barbara Battelle (Whitney Laboratory).
This myosin is found in the retinal cells of this organism.
We are very interested in how myosin V, a vesicle or organelle
motor, is able to move processively on actin. To study this
myosin, we are using several state-of-the-art biophysical
techniques with Claudia Veigel and Justin Molloy (University
of York, UK). We are studying the mechanics of the interaction
of single myosin molecules with actin using an optical trap.
These data show that myosin V can move processively on actin
taking 36 nm steps, but that this step is a combination of
a 25 nm powerstroke compared with a thermal motion. Takeshi
Sakamoto in our lab has built a Total Internal Reflection
Fluorescences (TIRF) microscope which enables us to see single
GFP-labeled myosin molecules moving processively on actin
filaments. In addition, we are collaborating with John Trinick,
Peter Knight and Stan Burgess (University of Leeds, UK) to
examine the conformation of myosin V bound to actin while
moving processively and of myosin V alone. These images have
allowed us to see the myosin powerstroke for the first time.
We have two projects that involve studying myosin mutations
that result in human disease. One of these studies mutations
in the nonmuscle myosin II heavy chain genes that are found
in patients with one of several giant platelet disorders including
May-Hegglin Anomaly, Sebastians Syndrome or Fechtner Syndrome.
In addition, some NMIIA mutations are associated with familial
deafness. The second project is in collaboration with Tom
Friedman (NIDCD) and involves studies of the myosin XV heavy
chain gene. Mutations in this gene give rise to hereditary
We have cloned the myosin V gene from Drosophila and have
a mutant fly line where the myoV gene is effectively knocked
out. We found that myoV is abundantly present in the eyes
of flies and are attempting to determine its function. In
addition, we have cloned myosin VIIb from flies and conducted
an analysis of the myosin heavy chain genes in the completed
Drosophila genome.