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Cellular Biochemistry Section

Edward D Korn, PhD, Principal Investigator

Members of the very large myosin superfamily have essential roles in multiple, critical cellular processes of all eukaryotic cells including, but not limited to, muscle contraction, cell motility, cytokinesis, phagocytosis, organization of the cytoskeleton and movement of intracellular organelles. Class-I myosins contain a single heavy chain and one or more light chains while all other myosins contain two identical heavy chains and at least four light chains. Myosins are actin-based motors with actin-activated ATPase activity that is coupled to mechanical and structural events involving the actin filaments. The actin-dependent ATPase activity of different myosins in nonmuscle cells is regulated by phosphorylation of either the heavy chain, the light chain, or both. We are particularly interested in the mechanisms by which light and heavy chain phosphorylation regulate the activity of Class-I and Class-II myosins and the independent and interdependent properties of the head and tail domains. By extensive use of mutated myosins and chimeras of head and tail regions of different Class-I and Class-II myosins, we are correlating the biochemical and biophysical properties of the pure proteins in vitro to their abilities to support specific cellular activities. Examples of recent and current studies include the ability of chimeras comprising the head domain of Dictyostelium myosin II and the tail domains of either smooth muscle or Acanthamoeba myosin II to support the functions of myosin II in Dictyostelium and the effect of substitutions in the cardiomyopathy loop on the biochemical and biological properties of Dictyostelium myosin II. We are also interested in the molecular basis of the regulation of the actin-activated ATPase activity of the head domain of Acanthamoeba myosin II by phosphorylation of regulatory serines at the tip of the tail domain and the structure of the tail domains of class-I myosins. Recently, our interest in actin dynamics has been re-kindled.

Questions, comments and suggestions about this page may be addressed to Edward Korn

Richard W Hendler, PhD, Scientist Emeritus

The interests of this section are focused on membrane-associated enzymes and the role of the membrane in the activity of the enzyme. Primary attention has been on integral membrane, energy-transducing, proton pumps, namely cytochrome oxidase and bacteriorhodopsin (BR). The experimental approach relies heavily on computer-controlled procedures developed in our laboratory to perform rapid kinetic optical measurements which define steps in the enzyme-turnover and electrical measurements to quantify energy-transducing events. With cytochrome oxidase, we find that the electrons follow a branched rather than a linear path from its redox centers to O2. With BR, we have demonstrated a crucial role for specific lipids of the membrane in the proton-pumping photocycle and its regulation by actinic light. Work with site-directed mutants is in progress to define the locus of the lipid-protein interaction. Our studies with BR cover purified BR preparations, BR-proteoliposomes, isolated cell membrane fragments containing BR, and the intact cell. In collaborations with other laboratories, we are trying to correlate structural conformational states of the protein with proton-pumping events using both FTIR and NMR.

Questions, comments and suggestions about this page may be addressed to Richard Hendler


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Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute