Laboratory of Computational Biology (BBC LCB)
Bernard R. Brooks, PhD, Principal Investigator
The Computational Biophysics Section explores current problems in molecular biology
using sophisticated computer hardware and software. Researchers are currently developing
new methodologies for studying protein folding, carbon nanotubestructure, reaction path
mapping, and other disciplines.
One of the most important resources possesed by the laboratory is the
LoBoS Cluster. LoBoS is a
Beowulf class computer located at the
National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.
Richard W. Pastor, PhD, Principal Investigator
The Membrane Biophysics Section focuses on computer simulation of the lipid bilayers
and related surfactant systems. This involves method and force field development, and all-atom and
coarse grained simulations of membrane peptides, signaling lipids, glycolipids, and rafts. Other
research areas include carbohydrates structure and dynamics, and hydrodynamics.