<% function getFileName() Dim pos, path, name path = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") pos = InStrRev(path,"/",-1,1) name = Right(path, len(path) - pos) 'response.write("PATH_TRANSLATED" + Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED") + "
") '**** Test Code *********************** getFileName = name 'Response.Write("filename for NS6 " + name + "
") 'Response.Write(strMainPhysicalPath & Replace(Request.QueryString("NAME"),"%2E",".")) End Function ' Function IsEmailValid(strEmail) ' Action: checks if an email is correct. ' Parameter: strEmail - the Email address ' Returned value: on success it returns True, else False. Function IsEmailValid(strEmail) Dim strArray Dim strItem Dim i Dim c Dim blnIsItValid ' assume the email address is correct blnIsItValid = True ' split the email address in two parts: name@domain.ext strArray = Split(strEmail, "@") ' if there are more or less than two parts If UBound(strArray) <> 1 Then blnIsItValid = False IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid Exit Function End If ' check each part For Each strItem In strArray ' no part can be void If Len(strItem) <= 0 Then blnIsItValid = False IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid Exit Function End If ' check each character of the part ' only following "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-." ' characters and the ten digits are allowed For i = 1 To Len(strItem) c = LCase(Mid(strItem, i, 1)) ' if there is an illegal character in the part If InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-.", c) <= 0 And Not IsNumeric(c) Then blnIsItValid = False IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid Exit Function End If Next ' the first and the last character in the part cannot be . (dot) If Left(strItem, 1) = "." Or Right(strItem, 1) = "." Then blnIsItValid = False IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid Exit Function End If Next ' the second part (domain.ext) must contain a . (dot) If InStr(strArray(1), ".") <= 0 Then blnIsItValid = False IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid Exit Function End If ' check the length oh the extension i = Len(strArray(1)) - InStrRev(strArray(1), ".") ' the length of the extension can be only 2, 3, or 4 ' to cover the new "info" extension If i <> 2 And i <> 3 And i <> 4 Then blnIsItValid = False IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid Exit Function End If ' after . (dot) cannot follow a . (dot) If InStr(strEmail, "..") > 0 Then blnIsItValid = False IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid Exit Function End If ' finally it's OK IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid End Function %> <% if LCase(getFilename)= "inthelab.asp" then response.write("Work being done in the Developmental Neurobiology Lab, Div. of Intramural Research, NHLBI") end if if LCase(getFilename) = "labmembers.asp" then response.write("Staff, Developmental Neurobiology Lab, Div. of Intramural Research, NHLBI") end if if LCase(getFilename) = "publications.asp" then response.write("Publications, Developmental Neurobiology Lab, Div. of Intramural Research, NHLBI ") end if if LCase(getFilename) = "contactus.asp" then response.write("Geller Lab Contact, Developmental Neurobiology Lab, Div. of Intramural Research, NHLBI ") end if if LCase(getFilename) = "location.asp" then response.write("Nabel Lab Location") end if if LCase(getFilename) = "imagegallery.asp" then response.write("Geller Lab Images, Developmental Neurobiology Lab, Div. of Intramural Research, NHLBI ") end if if LCase(getFilename) = "favoritejournals.asp" then response.write("Favorite Journals, Developmental Neurobiology Lab, Div. of Intramural Research, NHLBI ") end if if LCase(getFilename) = "macroanalysis.asp" then response.write("Macro Analysis, Developmental Neurobiology Lab, Div. of Intramural Research, NHLBI ") end if if LCase(getFilename) = "labmethods.asp" then response.write("Lab Methods, Developmental Neurobiology Lab, Div. of Intramural Research, NHLBI ") end if %> - NIH <% Dim image_intheLab Dim image_labmembers Dim image_publications Dim image_contactus Dim image_location Dim image_imageGallery Dim image_nabelLabHOme Dim image_favoriteJournals Dim image_labMethods image_intheLab = "arrow_off.gif" image_labmembers = "arrow_off.gif" image_publications = "arrow_off.gif" image_contactus = "arrow_off.gif" image_location = "arrow_off.gif" image_imageGallery = "arrow_off.gif" image_nabelLabHome = "arrow_off.gif" image_favoriteJournals = "arrow_off.gif" image_labMethods = "arrow_off.gif" if LCase(getFilename)= "inthelab.asp" or LCase(getFilename)= "indexns6.asp" then image_intheLab="arrow_on.gif" end if if LCase(getFilename) = "labmembers.asp" then image_labmembers = "arrow_on.gif" end if if LCase(getFilename) = "publications.asp" then image_publications = "arrow_on.gif" end if if LCase(getFilename) = "contactus.asp" then image_contactus = "arrow_on.gif" end if if LCase(getFilename) = "location.asp" then image_location = "arrow_on.gif" end if if LCase(getFilename) = "imagegallery.asp" then image_imageGallery = "arrow_on.gif" end if if LCase(getFilename) = "nabelLabeHome.asp" then image_nabelLabeHome = "arrow_on.gif" end if if LCase(getFilename) = "favoritejournals.asp" then image_favoriteJournals = "arrow_on.gif" end if if LCase(getFilename) = "labmethods.asp" then image_labMethods = "arrow_on.gif" end if %>
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Control of Neuronal Growth by Astrocytes

Both development of the neuron and the neuronal response to injury are shaped by interactions between neurons and glial cells.  Current research focuses on the role of astrocytes, the major glial cell in the central nervous system. Astrocytes normally provide a favorable environment for neurons, e.g., during development they promote neuronal migration and process outgrowth. However, after injury, astrocytes become reactive and form a major part of the "glial scar" that forms around the injury site that inhibits regeneration.  Identifying the specific gene products that are responsible for the permissive or inhibitory actions of astrocytes as well as their mechanism of action is a major effort underway in this laboratory. The ultimate goal is to promote neuronal regeneration by preventing these changes in astrocytes, adding permissive molecules to astrocytes, or causing neurons to ignore the inhibitory cues.

The Role of the Extracellular Matrix in Neuronal Pathfinding

We are evaluating the mechanisms by which astrocytes provide directional cues for neurons.  We have focused on the behavior of a growing growth cone as it encounters a boundary. Guidance is provided by molecules that impart directional, as opposed to growth-modifying, cues to axons.  These molecules reside within the extracellular matrix, where growing neurons will encounter them.  Some molecules are permissive for growth and guidance, while other molecules are inhibitory.  One class of inhibitory astrocyte-derived guidance molecules in the extracellular matrix are the family of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs). We believe that repair of the injured nervous system will be increased by harnessing the permissive cues, and blocking the inhibitory ones.  Understanding the signals that control this behavior is thus a necessary step to achieving our goals.

See a Quick Time Movie of a Growth Cone at a Boundary

How chondroitin-4 sulfated proteoglycans guide neurons

We have investigated the role of sulfation of chondroitin glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains in neuronal guidance.  Our studies have revealed a selective inhibitory action of GAG chains due to their decoration sulfate in the 4-position of N-acetyl-galactosamine.  Elimination of only a few sulfates in the chain abrogates biological activity.  This suggests the existence of a "sulfation code" by which GAG chains signal to neurons. We are conducting experiments to determine this sulfation code.  Moreover, reduction of 4-sulfation may then be a novel way to improve regeneration after spinal cord injury.  In addition, experiments are in progress to identify the receptors which mediate CSPG actions on neurons. 

Signal Transduction Mechanisms in Neuronal Guidance

One major area is to understand the signals that are initiated within a neuron after encountering these cues, and then how to modify them to persuade the neuron to grow across an inhibitory boundary.  Axonal turning is dependent upon rearrangement of the cytoskeleton, first in the growth cone and then in the growing axon.  Actin and tubulin are the two major cytoskeletal proteins.  Fluorescent speckle microscopy can localize movement of cytoskeletal proteins in living neurons. The end-binding protein EB3 localizes to areas of microtubule polymerization.  By expressing fluorescently-tagged EB3 in living neurons, we can follow the polymerization of tubulin as neurons encounter boundaries and in response to molecules that promote axonal growth.  Similar techniques will allow the localization of the other cytoskeletal proteins in these situations.

See a Quick Time Movie of RFP-EB3 Speckles in a Cerebellar Granule Neuron


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Dr. Herbert Geller, Chief
Developmental Neurobiology Section, NHLBI, NIH
Building 10, Room 6D18, 10 Center Drive, MSC-1754
Bethesda, MD 20892
Email: gellerh@nhlbi.nih.gov

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