Congenital Heart Disease Section
Cecilia Lo, PhD, Principal Investigator
The major research objective of the laboratory is to elucidate
the complex etiology of congenital heart disease. Towards this goal,
the laboratory specializes in the use of non-invasive ultrasound
and MRI techniques and other imaging modalities to study cardiovascular
development and function in genetically engineered and chemically
mutagenized mouse models. In parallel with our work on mouse models,
we are developing a human cardiovascular developmental atlas to
study human congenital heart malformations. We also have a very
active research program focused on elucidating the cell and molecular
biology of cell signaling pathways that regulate heart outflow tract
morphogenesis and coronary artery development.
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MRI of Fetal Mouse Heart.
Ultrasound of Fetal Mouse Heart.
EFIC Reconstruction of E16.5 Mouse Embryo.