Dim currentFolder, name, email
currentFolder = "ClaussS@nhlbi.nih.gov"
if currentFolder = "chd Staff" then
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
on the Staff Members name to access their Bio Page | :
Link to Staff Members Email.
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Bishwanath Chatterjee
Bishwanath Chatterjee
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Chih-Jen Wei
Chih-Jen Wei
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Diana Walker
Diana Walker
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Qing Yu
Qing Yu
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Richard Francis
Richard Francis
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Xin Xu
Xin Xu
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Ying-Jie Wu
Ying-Jie Wu
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
on the Staff Members name to access their Bio Page | :
Link to Staff Members Email.
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Kaari Linask
Kaari Linask
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
Click on the Staff Members name to access their Bio
Page | :
Link to Staff Members Email.
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Heidi Dudik
Heidi Dudik
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Jay Noor
Jay Noor
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
Click on the Staff Members name to access their Bio
Page | :
Link to Staff Members Email.
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Charlene Schramm
Charlene Schramm
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Jesus Vazquez
Jesus Vazquez
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Julie Rosenthal
Julie Rosenthal
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Vipul Mangal
Vipul Mangal
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
Click on the Staff Members name to access their Bio
Page | :
Link to Staff Members Email.
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Brett Siegfried
Brett Siegfried
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Chris Spurney
Chris Spurney
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Ed Doe
Ed Doe
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Linda Leatherbury
Linda Leatherbury
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Sarah Clauss
Sarah Clauss
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
' Function IsEmailValid(strEmail)
' Action: checks if an email is correct.
' Parameter: strEmail - the Email address
' Returned value: on success it returns True, else False.
Function IsEmailValid(strEmail)
Dim strArray
Dim strItem
Dim i
Dim c
Dim blnIsItValid
' assume the email address is correct
blnIsItValid = True
' split the email address in two parts: name@domain.ext
strArray = Split(strEmail, "@")
' if there are more or less than two parts
If UBound(strArray) <> 1 Then
blnIsItValid = False
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
Exit Function
End If
' check each part
For Each strItem In strArray
' no part can be void
If Len(strItem) <= 0 Then
blnIsItValid = False
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
Exit Function
End If
' check each character of the part
' only following "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-."
' characters and the ten digits are allowed
For i = 1 To Len(strItem)
c = LCase(Mid(strItem, i, 1))
' if there is an illegal character in the part
If InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-.", c) <= 0 And Not IsNumeric(c) Then
blnIsItValid = False
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
Exit Function
End If
' the first and the last character in the part cannot be . (dot)
If Left(strItem, 1) = "." Or Right(strItem, 1) = "." Then
blnIsItValid = False
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
Exit Function
End If
' the second part (domain.ext) must contain a . (dot)
If InStr(strArray(1), ".") <= 0 Then
blnIsItValid = False
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
Exit Function
End If
' check the length oh the extension
i = Len(strArray(1)) - InStrRev(strArray(1), ".")
' the length of the extension can be only 2, 3, or 4
' to cover the new "info" extension
If i <> 2 And i <> 3 And i <> 4 Then
blnIsItValid = False
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
Exit Function
End If
' after . (dot) cannot follow a . (dot)
If InStr(strEmail, "..") > 0 Then
blnIsItValid = False
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
Exit Function
End If
' finally it's OK
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
End Function
<% end if %>
<% if currentFolder = "emailForm" then%>
function getEmail(name)
if name = "Bishwanath Chatterjee" then
getEmail = "ChatterB@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Chih-Jen Wei" then
getEmail = "WeiC@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Diana Walker" then
getEmail = "WalkerD@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Qing Yu" then
getEmail = "YuQ@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Richard Francis" then
getEmail = "FrancisR@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Xin Xu" then
getEmail = "XuX@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Ying-Jie Wu" then
getEmail = "WuY@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Kaari Linask" then
getEmail = "LinaskK@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Heidi Dudik" then
getEmail = "DudikH@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Jay Noor" then
getEmail = "NoorJ@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Charlene Schramm" then
getEmail = "SchrammC@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Jesus Vazquez" then
getEmail = "vazquezj@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Julie Rosenthal" then
getEmail = "rosenthj@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Vipul Mangal" then
getEmail = "mangalv@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Brett Siegfried" then
getEmail = "siegfrieb@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Chris Spurney" then
getEmail = "SpurneyC@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Ed Doe" then
getEmail = "doee@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Linda Leatherbury" then
getEmail = "LeatherL@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Sarah Clauss" then
getEmail = "ClaussS@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Susan Riley" then
getEmail = "rileys@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "emailForm" then
getEmail = "emailForm"
end if
end function
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
name = Request.QueryString("name")
email = getEmail(name)
if Not IsEmailValid(email) then
response.write("Send E-Mail to: ")
response.write(name + " Valid e-mail address not found. ")
response.write("Send E-Mail to: ")
response.write(name + " ")
''response.write(email + " ")
validSendEmailFound = true
end if
<% end if %>
if currentFolder <> "emailForm" and currentFolder <> "LCE Staff" then
'response.write "dummy statement"
<%end if%>
of the NHLBI |
LDB Home |
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
Connexin Regulation of Cell Motility |
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
Connexin Protein Interactions and Cell Signaling |
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
Mouse ENU Mutagenesis |
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
Mouse Heart Atlas |
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
Photo/Movie Gallery |
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
Protocols |
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
LDB Staff |
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
end if
intranet = "No"