Dim currentFolder, name, email
currentFolder = "Protocols"
if currentFolder = "chd Staff" then
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
on the Staff Members name to access their Bio Page | :
Link to Staff Members Email.
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Bishwanath Chatterjee
Bishwanath Chatterjee
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Chih-Jen Wei
Chih-Jen Wei
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Diana Walker
Diana Walker
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Qing Yu
Qing Yu
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Richard Francis
Richard Francis
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Xin Xu
Xin Xu
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Ying-Jie Wu
Ying-Jie Wu
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
on the Staff Members name to access their Bio Page | :
Link to Staff Members Email.
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Kaari Linask
Kaari Linask
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
Click on the Staff Members name to access their Bio
Page | :
Link to Staff Members Email.
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Heidi Dudik
Heidi Dudik
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Jay Noor
Jay Noor
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
Click on the Staff Members name to access their Bio
Page | :
Link to Staff Members Email.
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Charlene Schramm
Charlene Schramm
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Jesus Vazquez
Jesus Vazquez
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Julie Rosenthal
Julie Rosenthal
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Vipul Mangal
Vipul Mangal
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
Click on the Staff Members name to access their Bio
Page | :
Link to Staff Members Email.
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Brett Siegfried
Brett Siegfried
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Chris Spurney
Chris Spurney
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Ed Doe
Ed Doe
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
homepage = "webpage"
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Linda Leatherbury
Linda Leatherbury
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
<% if tttt then %>
<% end if %>
<% rank = "50" %>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
<%if homepage = "webpage" then%>
Sarah Clauss
Sarah Clauss
<%end if%>
<% if rank = 1 then %>
<% end if%>
homepage = ""
' Function IsEmailValid(strEmail)
' Action: checks if an email is correct.
' Parameter: strEmail - the Email address
' Returned value: on success it returns True, else False.
Function IsEmailValid(strEmail)
Dim strArray
Dim strItem
Dim i
Dim c
Dim blnIsItValid
' assume the email address is correct
blnIsItValid = True
' split the email address in two parts: name@domain.ext
strArray = Split(strEmail, "@")
' if there are more or less than two parts
If UBound(strArray) <> 1 Then
blnIsItValid = False
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
Exit Function
End If
' check each part
For Each strItem In strArray
' no part can be void
If Len(strItem) <= 0 Then
blnIsItValid = False
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
Exit Function
End If
' check each character of the part
' only following "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-."
' characters and the ten digits are allowed
For i = 1 To Len(strItem)
c = LCase(Mid(strItem, i, 1))
' if there is an illegal character in the part
If InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-.", c) <= 0 And Not IsNumeric(c) Then
blnIsItValid = False
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
Exit Function
End If
' the first and the last character in the part cannot be . (dot)
If Left(strItem, 1) = "." Or Right(strItem, 1) = "." Then
blnIsItValid = False
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
Exit Function
End If
' the second part (domain.ext) must contain a . (dot)
If InStr(strArray(1), ".") <= 0 Then
blnIsItValid = False
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
Exit Function
End If
' check the length oh the extension
i = Len(strArray(1)) - InStrRev(strArray(1), ".")
' the length of the extension can be only 2, 3, or 4
' to cover the new "info" extension
If i <> 2 And i <> 3 And i <> 4 Then
blnIsItValid = False
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
Exit Function
End If
' after . (dot) cannot follow a . (dot)
If InStr(strEmail, "..") > 0 Then
blnIsItValid = False
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
Exit Function
End If
' finally it's OK
IsEmailValid = blnIsItValid
End Function
<% end if %>
<% if currentFolder = "emailForm" then%>
function getEmail(name)
if name = "Bishwanath Chatterjee" then
getEmail = "ChatterB@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Chih-Jen Wei" then
getEmail = "WeiC@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Diana Walker" then
getEmail = "WalkerD@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Qing Yu" then
getEmail = "YuQ@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Richard Francis" then
getEmail = "FrancisR@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Xin Xu" then
getEmail = "XuX@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Ying-Jie Wu" then
getEmail = "WuY@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Kaari Linask" then
getEmail = "LinaskK@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Heidi Dudik" then
getEmail = "DudikH@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Jay Noor" then
getEmail = "NoorJ@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Charlene Schramm" then
getEmail = "SchrammC@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Jesus Vazquez" then
getEmail = "vazquezj@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Julie Rosenthal" then
getEmail = "rosenthj@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Vipul Mangal" then
getEmail = "mangalv@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Brett Siegfried" then
getEmail = "siegfrieb@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Chris Spurney" then
getEmail = "SpurneyC@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Ed Doe" then
getEmail = "doee@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Linda Leatherbury" then
getEmail = "LeatherL@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Sarah Clauss" then
getEmail = "ClaussS@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "Susan Riley" then
getEmail = "rileys@nhlbi.nih.gov"
end if
if name = "emailForm" then
getEmail = "emailForm"
end if
end function
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
name = Request.QueryString("name")
email = getEmail(name)
if Not IsEmailValid(email) then
response.write("Send E-Mail to: ")
response.write(name + " Valid e-mail address not found. ")
response.write("Send E-Mail to: ")
response.write(name + " ")
''response.write(email + " ")
validSendEmailFound = true
end if
High Throughput Mouse Genotyping Using Robotics Automation
High Throughput Mouse Genotyping Using
Robotics Automation
- AutomationScripts.zip - Archive of the FileMaker Pro 6 sample
tracking database used to generate the .csv files for the MousePCR.MPT
program on the Multiprobe II HT and LabChip software sample importing
(requires FileMaker Pro 6…might not work correctly with conversion to
FileMaker Pro 7 due to fundamental changes to file structures in the new
- Mouse PCR- Multiprobe II HT program that combines
template and master mix in a 96-well format for PCR given a .csv with
sample details (requires Multiprobe WinPrep software).
- Genotyping
– PowerPoint overview of the mouse genotyping automation protocol
including examples of results.
For further information about
the automation protocol please contact Kaari Linask or Dr. Cecilia Lo
<% end if %>
if currentFolder <> "emailForm" and currentFolder <> "LCE Staff" then
'response.write "dummy statement"
High Throughput Mouse Genotyping Using Robotics Automation
High Throughput Mouse Genotyping Using
Robotics Automation
- AutomationScripts.zip - Archive of the FileMaker Pro 6 sample
tracking database used to generate the .csv files for the MousePCR.MPT
program on the Multiprobe II HT and LabChip software sample importing
(requires FileMaker Pro 6…might not work correctly with conversion to
FileMaker Pro 7 due to fundamental changes to file structures in the new
- Mouse PCR- Multiprobe II HT program that combines
template and master mix in a 96-well format for PCR given a .csv with
sample details (requires Multiprobe WinPrep software).
- Genotyping
– PowerPoint overview of the mouse genotyping automation protocol
including examples of results.
For further information about
the automation protocol please contact Kaari Linask or Dr. Cecilia Lo
<%end if%>
of the NHLBI |
LDB Home |
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
Connexin Regulation of Cell Motility |
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
Connexin Protein Interactions and Cell Signaling |
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
Mouse ENU Mutagenesis |
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
Mouse Heart Atlas |
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
Photo/Movie Gallery |
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
Protocols |
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
LDB Staff |
end if
intranet = "No"
if NIHintranet = "False" and intranet = "Yes" then
' do nothing...
end if
intranet = "No"